Online Giving

4 Ways to Give to Trinity Episcopal Church, Arlington, VA:

(Click the image above to get started!)

  1. Give Online here.  (Or click the Online Giving image above)
  2. Give by Text, text to 703-844-2384 
  3. Designate withdrawals from your bank account (weekly, monthly or annually) 
  4. Mail a Check to: Trinity Episcopal Church 2217 Columbia Pike Arlington, VA 22204

Trinity offers an online giving option. Electronic giving is a convenient, consistent way to help Trinity grow. Consider scheduling a recurring electronic contribution today. It's easy! You will no longer need to write out checks and prepare envelopes every week. Even when travel, illness or other circumstances prevent you from attending services, your electronic contributions will continue to be received on an uninterrupted basis. 

Get started today! Click online giving image above for a secure way to make a pledge or one-time payment or gift to us. If you wish to receive a giving statement from the church for tax purposes you first must complete a profile. 

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