Children's Program

We love God’s kids. All ages, all sizes, all energy levels, all interests.

We believe the church belongs to our young people as much as it is home to adults. No matter who they are, children at Trinity are celebrated by adults that appreciate their voice and presence. We offer our young people opportunities to have fun, try new things, create lasting relationships, connect with peers, showcase their gifts and talents, learn and grow. It does not take long for any young person to feel right at home.

Young people frequently serve as acolytes, lectors, greeters and ushers during our regular worship services. Having young people as a vital part of our worship experience is not something we do only on special occasions. At Trinity the participation of young people and the special ministry events they take on is limited only by their imagination.
Support of our ministry to children and youth is provided by two groups: the Children’s Ministry Team and Youth Leaders. The Children’s Ministry Team consists of Children’s Chapel teachers and members at large who have an interest in nurturing children in the faith and knowledge of the Lord. The group reviews curriculum, plans activities and assesses the program and its effectiveness. To volunteer for this group, please speak with the Rector.

Programs for Children:

Special Events

We plan several special Ministry Events for children and youth throughout the year.

  • In October, Trinity observes the Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi with the Blessing of Animals. This service provides our youngest worshippers opportunity to bring their pets, including the stuffed animal variety, to receive God’s blessing and helps us all remember God’s promise to redeem all of creation.
  • In December, on the second Sunday, Trinity joins with our preschool to host a Community Carol Sing that in past years has included an impromptu Christmas pageant, live nativity with animals, marshmallow roasting and carol singing by all
  • In February, Trinity joins young people nationwide in collecting food (sometimes soup, sometimes cereal and other non-perishable food items) for “Souper Bowl” Sunday. Held on the same Sunday as this nation’s most celebrated Super Bowl football event, this ingathering of food and monetary donations helps feed those who hunger in the Arlington community.
  • On Shrove Tuesday, young people serve the pancakes and sausages we eat to mark the end of Epiphany and beginning of the church’s season of Lent.
  • In June, our young people, led by the youth, take charge of our worship experience on Youth and Laity Recognition Sunday. Young people deliver a message, read lessons, usher, greet, and serve as acolytes and special ambassadors for Christ
  • In September, we launch a new school year with a worship service that includes the Blessing of Backpacks. Learners of all ages are encouraged to bring to worship their lunchboxes, backpacks and briefcases as symbols of learning we use when we bless and pray for success in their studies.
  • In October, the parish goes on retreat for a weekend in Orkney Springs, Virginia at the Diocesan Shrine Mont Retreat Center. The food, fellowship, play and intergenerational activities make Shrine Mont an exceptional experience for all.
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