Adult Education

Christian formation is the lifelong process of growing in relationship with God, self, others and all creation.

Believing we learn best together, Trinity utilizes the whole life of the church to convey biblical and theological understandings of the faith and of life. The church year feasts and seasons, sacraments and liturgy, outreach and service, prayer, community life and a variety of educational classes form the context in which we gather to study and learn. To recommend a topic for study or to volunteer to lead a class, contact Rev. Kim through the church office at

Adult Forum

Sundays, 9:30-10:15 am, Memorial Room

Adult Forum, for ages 19 plus, takes place most Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15 am from September through May in the Memorial Room. Nursery care is available during this time. These presentations cover a wide array of topics from year to year, including the study of books of the Holy Bible, forgiveness, prayer, discerning God’s will, and comparative religion. If you have an interest in teaching an Adult Forum topic or suggesting an area of study, please contact Rev. Kim.

Adult Forum - Sept 9 - Oct 14

We will be studying An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor

Sept 9 - The Practice of Waking Up to God (Vision)

The Practice of Paying Attention (Reverence)

September 16 - The Practice of Wearing Skin (Incarnation)

The Practice of Walking on the Earth (Groundedness)

Sept 23 - The Practice of Getting Lost (Wilderness)

The Practice of Encountering Others (Community)

Sept 30 - The Practice of Living with Purpose (Vocation)

The Practice of Saying No (Sabbath)

October 7 - The Practice of Carrying Water (Physical Labor)

The Practice of Feeling Pain (Breakthrough)

October 14 - The Practice of Being Present to God (Prayer)

The Practice of Pronouncing Blessings (Benediction)

Inquiring Minds Class

Five weekday evenings, Early Fall

First time walking through the doors of a church? Wondering how God can be Three-in-One? Or, what makes Christianity unique? What makes Anglicans different? How do you become a member? If you’ve got questions, we have answers. Our Inquiring Minds Class explores basic questions about Christianity and the Episcopal tradition. Class participants play a role in shaping each session as we dedicate time to the questions participants raise. Class ends with the option of taking next steps through baptism, confirmation, reception and/or more conversation and education. It’s your choice and your spiritual journey. We offer the five session Inquiring Minds Class in early fall each year. Join us and fellow inquiring minds as we orient you to the Episcopal Church and Christianity through the lens of Anglicanism!

Marriage Preparation

Rector’s office, as scheduled by appointment

Congratulations on your engagement! All persons considering marriage who desire to have their wedding ceremony conducted by a clergy person of Trinity Church must undertake and complete a course of marriage preparation. While the approach each clergy person uses may differ, preparation typically involves completion of a Pre-Marriage Awareness Inventory and five to seven sessions where the couple discuss their answers, share their expectations, and develop ways to respond to differences. Contact Rev. Kim through the church office at

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