Mary Marshall Assisted Living

Mary Marshall Assisted Living

A first of its kind community-based facility for seniors with intellectual disabilities and mental illness, the Mary Marshall Assisted Living residence opened its doors in November 2011.

The 52-unit licensed assisted living facility provides homes for low-income people age 55 and older with cognitive, mental health and other special needs who require assistance with activities of daily living. Residents retain only $80/month to support other personal living expenses. Trinity supports residents of Mary Marshall through monthly worship services conducted every fourth Sunday at 1:30 pm from September through June, pastoral care for the hospitalized, fellowship, representation on the Advisory Board, and special services for holidays and religious observances. A favorite initiative is our summer sock drive aimed at warming the feet as well as the hearts of Mary Marshall residents. Volunteers must be gifted with patience, generosity of spirit and hospitality and at least 2 hours per month they can donate to visiting. For more information contact Ms. Joy Warburton, Ministry Coordinator, through the church office. Visit this Volunteers of America sponsored organization at

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